APRILE 2023 PAG. 35 - Cargomar plans to cover all Transport
The spectacularly soaring costs of charters in the period after the pandemic and afterwards their continual fall defeats any attempt to understand the market. Long term planning becomes much more difficult One lives almost from day to day. However businessmen cannot ignore having a vision of the situation. No matter how difficult, the business man cannot opt out of imagining how the future will be but must try to find answers to the new challenges which emerge from the crisis.. Vincenzo Minieri CEO of Cargomar a shipper remains true to the philosophy which has inspired him during these years turning his company into an internationally known brand and despite uncertainty does not give up investing to enlarge the range of services on offer to his customers.
The unstable international situation is playing a fundamental role in creating uncertainty in the market place with consequent effects on production. Forecasting without equilibrium in world politics is almost futile. But at the same time one cannot renounce to be prepared as best by investing and protecting ones business.
Which way will Cargomar go?
We are looking hard at logistics and its on land services whereas for traditional transport services we are at the window trying to understand how matters will develop. Our stores at Marcianise extend to 300 sq mt where we now have our logistic and import departments which are the two required to dialogue and work most together. Administration and export remains in Naples.
And the prospects?
We are getting ready for export by air and awaiting IATA recognition with the necessary certification for our staff. We will have a presence in Naples whereas the Segrate branch will look after the operating and commercial aspects. The objective together with the consolidation of our sea traffic is to offer our customers a range of services covering all forms of transport.
Has warehousing influenced international economics?
There was a great deal of demand both during and after the pandemic. Generally we approach companies which suffer from these types of cost. We start from the supposition with which we started by intercepting outsourcing of parts of the production process. One of our missions is to become an essential link for our customers. We are therefore able to help businesses with a lighter structure. At the moment we are mainly dealing with dry goods and hccp. In the future and why not? We can think of extending into cold.
Cargomar is a business reality always looking into social aspects.
“I always believed that the good businessman should give something back to his origins.Traditionally we have supported smaller sports by sponsorship which are essential starters of value. This year we sponsored the water polo team Rari Nantes. In addition we collaborate with the association “You can give more” to help young disabled people with learning and and movement problems to take part in social activities and in the work place.